Welcome to DC/APUSH, comrades in arms!  While this college class is definately a new experience for your student, it is, in many cases, as much an eye-opener for parents and guardians.  This page is designed to present the tenents of the class: its requirements, character, and nuances.  Please take a few monents to familiarize yourself with the class; with this information I hope to answer as many questions as possible.  However, this page has informational limitations, so please do not hesitate to contact me.


I depend heavily on you, my parents/guardians, as the first line of mobilization and support for DC/APUSH.  It is by NO MEANS an easy class; consequently it requires a different instructional dynamic that typical high school classes.  It is incumbent on my part to give you a head's up on two non-negotiable requisites that tend to give students trouble:

1) THIS IS A READING INTENSIVE CLASS.  Students should prepare to read and master college-level material every week.

2) THIS IS A WRITING INTENSIVE CLASS.  Students will be expected to be able to write analytical papers at a college level.


It is my intention to keep you informed with class progress, policy changes, etc. as much as possible.  This page is a starting point.


Thank you again for allowing me the priviledge of introducing your child to college.  It is a responsibility which I take seriously, and I hope that we can partner to ensure  an enjoyable and fruitful learning experience.  

Informational Documents

Nature and Character of Dual Credit/APUSH US History
Microsoft Word - Nature+and+Character+of[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [25.4 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [41.7 KB]
2014 2015 KHS APUSH Syllabus.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [91.8 KB]
2014 2015 KHS DC Syllabus.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [283.5 KB]